Monday, September 8, 2008

Sager Saleh Al Musaabi

my name is Sager Saleh Al Musaabi, I am 20 years old, I am living in the city of Al Shahama for now, hopefully will move to the city of Khalifa B, am a student in the Higher Colleges of Technology, my major is mechanical engineering, where now am working on my higher diploma degree. I chose mechanical engineering because I found it interesting, if I succeed to become a mechanical engineer ill have the opportunity to fix things and reach a prestigious position, and will help in developing my country.

I speak three languages, Arabic, English, and Japanese (beginner), I learned English through my school, where on the other hand I learned Japanese because of the need to communicate with my Japanese friends and instructor.

what i find intresting, is cattle breeding, where i have gained some Experience from my grandfather who was an expert in breeding sheep, camels, and some bloodlines of horses.

This blog will be about global warming and other special issues. I hope you find it interesting