Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore, a vice president to serve Bill Clinton and was promoted to be a potential president in the elections of year 2000. After loosing to his opponent George W. Bush he turned his concentration on what we call the inconvenient truth which is the uprising dangers of Global warming.
Al Gore was one of the first politicians to bring the global warming and green house effect to the senates table. Although it was rejected, Al Gore kept promoting this problem among the people to act fast in limiting the emission of carbon dioxide.

Global warming is the increase of temperature, 40% of our water intake is derived from springs, rivers and glaciers that are found on the higher mountain ranges so it is a dangerous phenomenon because they are melting fast, leading to an increase in the sea level, and with this increase some lands will be submerged by the extra flow of water.
Another aspect is the rise of sea temperature; It is a dangerous attitude because hurricanes are attracted by warm currents, their speed is also strengthen but warm water. Another approaching danger is that the increase in sea temperature will help in melting glaciers in the oceans.
For us it is dangerous because some diseases are appearing such as the west Nile virus, animals are also affected, Some are driven to extension and some are struggling such as seals and polar bears.

As Al Gore mentioned, these pattern of disasters are directly and indirectly linked to the emission of carbon dioxide, so it is left for us the individuals and organizations to help in bringing this issue to our society to take action in saving earth.

For more information please click in the links below:


Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi boss i would like to be boss like. however i read your blog it was good.


ahmed174blogproject said...

your indormation helped me in understanding this issue