Sunday, March 23, 2008

Introduction to Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that was based on a prediction of the raise in temperature of earth’s climate, and it was proved to be happening in this century. What made it important is that it affects all the creatures on the planet. It is responsible for rising of the sea level, by the melting of glaciers it will lead to flow of extra water in the oceans causing floods and submerging of coasts.Another problem that brought attention is the extinction and reaction of some mammals to this change, where some animals are moving closer to the poles, and some are suffering in the poles due to the raise of temperature, an example is the polar bears, which are built to accommodate low temperatures.Last but not least the greenhouse effect, it occurs when some gasses(carbon dioxide, methane ,nitrous oxide, water vapor) in the atmosphere trap the infrared rays from the sun light leading to a raise in temperature, it is stated that if these gases were not present, the temperature will be 60F (15C°) cooler. However if more become present this could raise temperature dramatically.So basically if we continue polluting our planet, we will cause pain to some animals, then it will be us who feel the pain.

For perfect definition check this website:

1 comment:

ahmed174blogproject said...

global warming is an important issue....and you writings and images are good