Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lebanon: the story of survival

Lebanon, a country that is so ancient, that got mentioned in the bible as the land of milk and honey, It has accepted Christianity as the formal religion of the country although a large population of the Lebanese are Muslims but the majority are still Christians. It is surrounded by five nations – Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey, and Cyprus. Lebanon has gone through a lot of wars, starting with civil war, finishing the war with Israel. With all these unfortunate events, It is still considered as a good example of democratic country, For this it is called Paris of the east.

From 1943 to 1948, tensions rose among the population of Lebanon, because Palestinians refuges started arriving to Lebanon, Most of the refuges were Muslims, which gave Muslims is Lebanon the power to contribute to decision making.
As time passes, Palestinians slowly were grasping control of government. As a result there was a raise in tensions among political groups. A group of militia from the Phalange (Christian group) had enough of interference of Palestinians in the government, as a result they attacked a bus full of Palestinians to starts the civil war in year 1975. These wars lead the Christian groups to form an alliance with Syria, causing Syria to send reinforcement of 20,000 soldiers. During the war Israel invaded Lebanon to terminate the PLO (Palestinians Liberation Organization) which to the arrival of international forces to stop the war. Due to the international efforts, the opposing sides were forced to sign a peace deal.

In 1989 a peace deal was established to stop the war. Eventually all sides go tired of fighting, so they accepted the peace deal. Lebanon lost 150,000-200,000 people, 300,000 were wounded and quarter of the population left the country. It is trying its best to recover by building highways, shopping, but yet it suffers from high unemployment rates. Foreigners are avoiding investments in building the country, and too much money is made in the hands of few people. Still Beirut is the city that does not die, it survived the wars, it will survive the economic war too.

Ruins in the city of Beirut

Beirut now

Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006.Royal Geographical Society. 8 Apr. 2007 http://www.globaleye.org.uk/.


mansoor 174 blog project said...


My name is Mansoor Abdulla Hammas.I'm study in Abduhabi mens college.my age is 19 years old. I want to see yu in the future.

ahmed174blogproject said...

lebanon will evolve over these problems