Monday, September 8, 2008

Sager Saleh Al Musaabi

my name is Sager Saleh Al Musaabi, I am 20 years old, I am living in the city of Al Shahama for now, hopefully will move to the city of Khalifa B, am a student in the Higher Colleges of Technology, my major is mechanical engineering, where now am working on my higher diploma degree. I chose mechanical engineering because I found it interesting, if I succeed to become a mechanical engineer ill have the opportunity to fix things and reach a prestigious position, and will help in developing my country.

I speak three languages, Arabic, English, and Japanese (beginner), I learned English through my school, where on the other hand I learned Japanese because of the need to communicate with my Japanese friends and instructor.

what i find intresting, is cattle breeding, where i have gained some Experience from my grandfather who was an expert in breeding sheep, camels, and some bloodlines of horses.

This blog will be about global warming and other special issues. I hope you find it interesting

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blood Diamond

Blood diamond power point presntation

To download the power point presentation please follow these steps:

  1. click on the link below

  2. click on the Download button

it may take several seconds for loading the page.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore, a vice president to serve Bill Clinton and was promoted to be a potential president in the elections of year 2000. After loosing to his opponent George W. Bush he turned his concentration on what we call the inconvenient truth which is the uprising dangers of Global warming.
Al Gore was one of the first politicians to bring the global warming and green house effect to the senates table. Although it was rejected, Al Gore kept promoting this problem among the people to act fast in limiting the emission of carbon dioxide.

Global warming is the increase of temperature, 40% of our water intake is derived from springs, rivers and glaciers that are found on the higher mountain ranges so it is a dangerous phenomenon because they are melting fast, leading to an increase in the sea level, and with this increase some lands will be submerged by the extra flow of water.
Another aspect is the rise of sea temperature; It is a dangerous attitude because hurricanes are attracted by warm currents, their speed is also strengthen but warm water. Another approaching danger is that the increase in sea temperature will help in melting glaciers in the oceans.
For us it is dangerous because some diseases are appearing such as the west Nile virus, animals are also affected, Some are driven to extension and some are struggling such as seals and polar bears.

As Al Gore mentioned, these pattern of disasters are directly and indirectly linked to the emission of carbon dioxide, so it is left for us the individuals and organizations to help in bringing this issue to our society to take action in saving earth.

For more information please click in the links below:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Inconvenient Truth - My Opinion

Global warming is an important issue to take into consideration, so after watching the movie I became more concerned about the emission of carbon dioxide gases. This movie displayed the pattern on how global warming evolved over time. It showed the direct and indirect effects on climate (increase of temperature), animals (endangering some species), human health (appearing of diseases), and the effect on the change of sea level (melting of glaciers). Another part of the presentation that attracted me is when AL Gore linked the global warming effects to incidents that have occurred in the past years, such as hurricanes, ice melting in Antarctica, and floods in some parts of Asia.
Al Gore the vice-president of Bill Clinton and the holder of Noble peace prize is with out a question a good speaker, he used irony in his presentation, and he gave us the chance to think and predict the results before displaying and explaining them on the screen, in my opinion Al Gore is a charismatic and a very effective speaker that we can all learn from

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint foot print is the measure of total amount of carbon gas produced due to our daily activity, this issue is important because carbon dioxide is the main factor for causing global warming, unfortunately I found out that my annual footprint is 13.89 and that If I continue ill be needing 3.1 earths to continue my lifestyle.
The main problem I suffered is that I use my car a lot, because I live in Al Shahama, and have a habit of wondering between the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai so I usually spend 23 hrs in my car per week, because of the long distance from home I cant minimize the car usage, but what I can do is to use the car in long destination only. Also ill have to check the cars filters, and make sure to fill my car with unleaded gas.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cool Cities is the hope of future

As we improve technology, the population of people and the demand of energy increases, leading to a direct increase in carbon dioxide emission which helps in speeding the process of global warming. If we continue emitting carbon dioxide into our atmosphere we will need a substitute for earth, which is impossible, so we have to cut down our emissions to 50% to reach a capacity of one earth. Japan was one of the active countries toward this issue, because it had a low emission rate among other countries and because it increased its energy efficiency to 37% while decreasing its oil consumption to 8%.

Most of emissions are from buildings and transportation, so as a result a new project was brought which is the building of Cool city. Cool city is an ideal and model city of technology and knowledge gathered from the SDCG expertise. This city will operate on natural energies, such as it will present solar ships, hybrid cars, light rail transit, and monorail as transportation. It will also meet the requirements of the residents and visitors by having a business, sport, resort zones and a Jatropha forests, last but not least it will contain power plant farms. This cities heat managing will be unique, where they will manage heat by water, planting trees, roof membrane and the usage of recycled cool air.
As a result the buildings will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60%, where the echo towers will reduce 50% and the echo residences will reduce carbon emissions to 30%. This is a great project to prove that technology can be used in solving problems, and maybe in the near future we will find a way to stop global warming.
For watching the Cool Cities Video please Click Here

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lebanon: the story of survival

Lebanon, a country that is so ancient, that got mentioned in the bible as the land of milk and honey, It has accepted Christianity as the formal religion of the country although a large population of the Lebanese are Muslims but the majority are still Christians. It is surrounded by five nations – Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey, and Cyprus. Lebanon has gone through a lot of wars, starting with civil war, finishing the war with Israel. With all these unfortunate events, It is still considered as a good example of democratic country, For this it is called Paris of the east.

From 1943 to 1948, tensions rose among the population of Lebanon, because Palestinians refuges started arriving to Lebanon, Most of the refuges were Muslims, which gave Muslims is Lebanon the power to contribute to decision making.
As time passes, Palestinians slowly were grasping control of government. As a result there was a raise in tensions among political groups. A group of militia from the Phalange (Christian group) had enough of interference of Palestinians in the government, as a result they attacked a bus full of Palestinians to starts the civil war in year 1975. These wars lead the Christian groups to form an alliance with Syria, causing Syria to send reinforcement of 20,000 soldiers. During the war Israel invaded Lebanon to terminate the PLO (Palestinians Liberation Organization) which to the arrival of international forces to stop the war. Due to the international efforts, the opposing sides were forced to sign a peace deal.

In 1989 a peace deal was established to stop the war. Eventually all sides go tired of fighting, so they accepted the peace deal. Lebanon lost 150,000-200,000 people, 300,000 were wounded and quarter of the population left the country. It is trying its best to recover by building highways, shopping, but yet it suffers from high unemployment rates. Foreigners are avoiding investments in building the country, and too much money is made in the hands of few people. Still Beirut is the city that does not die, it survived the wars, it will survive the economic war too.

Ruins in the city of Beirut

Beirut now

Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006.Royal Geographical Society. 8 Apr. 2007