Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Inconvenient Truth - My Opinion

Global warming is an important issue to take into consideration, so after watching the movie I became more concerned about the emission of carbon dioxide gases. This movie displayed the pattern on how global warming evolved over time. It showed the direct and indirect effects on climate (increase of temperature), animals (endangering some species), human health (appearing of diseases), and the effect on the change of sea level (melting of glaciers). Another part of the presentation that attracted me is when AL Gore linked the global warming effects to incidents that have occurred in the past years, such as hurricanes, ice melting in Antarctica, and floods in some parts of Asia.
Al Gore the vice-president of Bill Clinton and the holder of Noble peace prize is with out a question a good speaker, he used irony in his presentation, and he gave us the chance to think and predict the results before displaying and explaining them on the screen, in my opinion Al Gore is a charismatic and a very effective speaker that we can all learn from


Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi, my name is saleh i want say that your subject in is a very nice.Addition to that you have selected a good pictures. your voice attracted me.

ahmed174blogproject said...

you have a good sense of evaluation....i agree with your opinion

Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi sager I read your comment about my voice thread related to the inconvenient truth subject. i would like to say thank you. you give me nice words and I gain the confidence to make more voice thread.

Saleh Abdullah